Many companies are implementing self-service reporting for the variety of benefits discussed in our previous article “Analyze, Pivot or Die: 4 Reasons Why Every Company...
In the previous article, "'Healthy' Data: A Must for BI Reporting", we explained the importance of data quality in business intelligence reporting, as well as the conce...
Modern business intelligence (BI) platforms have made report building look and feel easy. Analysts can practically take any piece of data available today and analyze it...
One of the current trends in business intelligence (especially within the current challenging macroeconomic environment) is the increasing demand for self-service repor...
To give you a quick recap, we have so far implemented the incremental refresh on the data model, configured the parameter values, and published the data model successfu...
In the previous article, we discussed the thought process behind choosing the right data model design based on the use-case and requirements we received from the client...
We live in a world where businesses across various industries manage an enormous amount of information. Every single transaction, interaction, and data point is r...
In my previous article, Creating a “Dynamic Dimension in Looker”, I walked you through creating dynamic dimensions in Looker. Now we have the inverse situation. In this...
Turning company data into insights
Every analyst, manager or aspiring manager wants to get insights out of company data as quickly as possible—a must to quickly make decisions to improve th...